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LegendScript commands

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LegendScript commands Empty LegendScript commands

Post  Admin Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:45 pm

Channel tools
!av nick - Autovoice an user.
!ah Nick - Auto Halfop an user.
!ao Nick - Auto OP an user.
!delav Nick - Del autovoice an user.
!akick Nick - Set an user to the akick list.
!delakick Nick - Delete an user from the akick list.
!accept nick - Put an user to the "white list"
!delaccept nick - Delete an user from the "white list"
!deop De op yourslef
!dehop De halfop yourself
!devoice De voice yourself
!exept nick - Exept this nick for being banned (This user cant get banned)
!kb nick Reason - kb the user with reason.
!ban nick - ban a user.
!bannick nick - ban a users nick name.
!kick nick Reason - kick the user with reason.
!leaker Nick - Kb this user for leeking worlds (pest control)
!spamming nick - kb this user for spamming in your channel.
!flood nick - Kb this nick for flooding in your channel.
!advertise nick - kb this user for advertising in your channel.
!advertising kick on - To active the advertise kick (advertisers will get time banned!)
!advertising kick off - To put this command off.
!badwordkick on - Turn the LegendScript bad word kick on.
!badwordkick off - Turn the LegendScript bad word kick off.
!capskick on - Turn the 60%+ Caps kick on. (users who use a line with more then 60% caps will get kicked from your channel.
!capskick off - Turn this command off from your channel.
!setsite - allows you to set a website for your channel.
!site - allows you to view a website on a channel.

!tb Nick time reason - Time ban a user for a reason.
!mute nick - Mute a nick!
!demute nick - Demute a nick.
!chanban chan - Ban a channel.
!chanunban chan - unban a channel from your channel.
!mode mode - Set a mode on your channel on(+)/off(-) example: !mode -i
!spam nick - Will tell this user shut up with spamming your channel.

!autovoice on - Everyone who joins your channel will get autovoiced!
!autovoice off - When Someone joins your channel he wont get voiced anymore.

!set floodon - To set the flood command on
!set floodkick - To set the flood kick on
!set floodkickban - To set the flood kick ban on
!set floodlines 1-10 To set the floodlines 1-10 (You can change the 1 to an other value) example: 8-10 (this means: 8 lines in 10 seconds)
!set floodexept voice/halfop/op - To exept a group for being kicked/banned.

!invite User - This user will get a message + will get invited to your channel.

!setgreet - Set a greet for your channel
!delgreet - Delete the currently greet
!greet - Shows the greet
!greets on - Set the greet on for your channel.
!greets off - Set the greets off for your channel.

!setrules Rules - Set rules for your channel.
!rules - Shows the rules from your channel.
!delrules - Delete the rules from your channel.

!setpoll Question - Set a poll for your channel
!poll - View the currently poll.
!yes - Answer yes!
!no - Answer no!
!votes - To view the votes

LegendScript tools
!part LegendScript - Will part LegendScript.
!Part [Rs]LegendScript - Will part [RS]LegendScript.
!commands - Will bring you to here.
!support - Shows you the commands for what we have made Support files!
!/@forum Get the link to this forum
!legendscriptnews - Gives the lastest news from LegendScript
!staff - Shows the staff member from LegendScript
!hop - Let LegendScript REJOIN your channel
!botinformation - Gives all history and information about LegendScript
!nickreport Nick Reason - Report a user for an reason, Like: "Spamming the bot in your channel"
!channelreport #channel Reason - Report a channel for a reason like: Spamming the bot"
!bugreport bug - Report a bug (error) in LegendScript
!reportedbugs READ - Tells you all bugs which are reported.
!legendscriptsuggest Suggestion - Suggest somthing for LegendScript.
!suggestlist READ - Shows all suggestions who are done for LegendScript.
!joinmessage - Check your currently "JOin message"
!setjoinmessage - Set a join message for your host.
!deljoinmessage - Delete your set join message.
!whatpulse nick - Check the whatpulse information from the user.

!kbase What you want to find - Search for somthing in the Runescape knowledge base
!skilldatabase - Gives you all commands from this command.
!planted Seed - Will tell you when your seed hase been done, Example: !planted patato - This will tell you when your patatoes are done!
!rsfact - gives you a runescape fact (Everytime you press this you will get another)
!itemdatabase Item - Gives information about the item.
!alch Item - Tells you how much you earn when alcheming the item.
!rsnews - Shows you the lastest news from Runescape.
!players - Shows you how many players there are currently online on Runescape.
!price Item - Shows you the price from an item on Runescape.
!clandatabase - Gives you all commands from the "Clan database" system.
!runehead Clan - Search for the clan on "Runehead"
!monster monster - Gives you the information about this monster.
!rank duel nick - Gives the rank from the nick from the Duel arena.
!rank bounty nick - Gives the rank from the nick from the Bounty hunter game.
!rank rogues Nick - Gives you the rank from the nick from the rogues.
!defname/!setrsn Nick - Set your Runescape nick for your IRC account.
!rsn Nick - Check the Runescape name from an user on IRC.
!/@cmb/!/@combat Nick - Gives you the combat from this nick.
!/@99skill nick - Tells you what 99 skills this nick got.
!Skill Nick - Tells you all information about this skill from the nick. Example: !cooking Rangedboyke this will give all information about rangedboyke's cooking skill.
!/@ Gratz/grats/congrats/congratz level Skill nick - Gratz an user.
!/@bluecharm - Tells you monsters who are dropping "Blue charms"
!/@crimson/!redcharm - Tells you monsters who are dropping: "Crimson charms"
!/@greencharm - Tells you monsters who are dropping: "Green charms"
!/@goldcharm - Tells you monsters who are dropping "Gold charm"
!phat - shows you a "Random" phat.
!/@ge item - gives you the middle price from
Grand Exchange Database and give's you and price changes

You can use this command to let LegendScript give users information how to get voice in your channel, This is when using this command that users have to PM the set user in game (runescape).

~setpm User - Set an user who needs to get pmed to get voiced.
!pm - Shows the pm message
!setpm on - To put this command on for your channel.
!setpm off - To put this command off for your channel.
~pm - msg the channel with the currently set pm.
~timepm - LegendScript will tell the unvoiced user that they have a few minutes to pm the set users, If they wont pm they will get kicked afther this minutes.
!notpmed nick - kick this user because he did not pm the set user.

Mini game commands / events:
Castle Wars
!cwon - Turn the Castle Wars command on for your channel.
!cwoff - Turns the Castle Wars command OFF for your channel.
!setcw World - Set a castle wars world for your channel.
!cw/!cww - Shows the Currently castle wars world.

Pest Control
!pestcontrol on - Turn the command on for your channel.
!pestcontrol off - Disable the command for your channel.
!setpcw World - All boats will get the same world.
!setnpcw World - Set a world for the Novice boat ONLY.
!setipcw World - Set a world for the Intermediate boat ONLY.
!setapcw World - Set a world for the advanced boat ONLY.
!pcw - SHows all boats worlds.
!npcw - Shows only the information about the novice boat.
!ipcw - Shows only the information about the intermediate boat.
!apcw - Shows only the information about the advanced boat.
!taken - Shows suggestions for the Novice boat.
!suggestn Suggestion - Suggest a world for the Novice boat.
!takei - Shows suggestions for the Intermediate boat.
!suggesti Suggestion - Suggest a world for the intermadiate boat.
!takea - Shows suggestions for the Advanced boat.
!suggesta Suggestion - Suggest a world for the advanced boat.

Pits Fight
!setpw/!setfightpits/!setpits/!setpitsworld World Leader - Set a pits fight world for your channel.
!pfon - Turn this command on for your channel.
!pfoff - Turn this command off for your channel.
!pw/!pworld/!pits - Shows the set world for your channel.

Pk (You can use this for bounty hunting)
!setpk World Leader Information - Set a pk world
!pkon - Set the command on for your channel
!pkoff - Set the command off for your channel.
!pk/!pkworld - Shows the currently world for your channel.

!setevent Event - Set a event for your channel
!setnextevent event - Set a NEXT event for your channel.
!/@event - Shows the event from the channel.
!/@nextevent - Shows the next event from the channel.
!delevent - Delete the currently event from the channel.
!delnextevent - Delete the next currently event from the channel.

Deal or no deal
!dealhelp - Gives information about the game.
!stopdeal - Stops the deal or no deal game.
!startdeal - Start a deal or no deal game.
!box box - Select a box to open.
!deal - Deal the offer from the bank.
!nodeal - Deceline the deal from the bank.
!leftmoney - Show what money is in the game. (what you can get)
!leftbox - Shows what boxes are in the game. (which you can open)
!finalbox - Open the lastest box!
!@deal money - Shows how much money you did won already!

Death Match
The following commands you have to use in a quary from Legendscript (click on legendscript and type it there OR type: /msg legendscript (command)
!dmregisternick password email - Register your nick name with an password (you can choice one for your self) and your own email (to recover your password)
!dmchangepass Old password New password - Change your currently password.
!dmchangeemail password Email - Change your set email
!dmlostpassword email - Will send your password to your email/ a message on IRC in 24 hours!
!dmlogout - Logs you out from the dm game!
!sell Item - Sell an item to the D-Coins market.
!buy Item - Buy an item from the D-Coins market.
!open - To open a Cracker.
!dmpmcommands - Query commands (pm commands)

The followin commands you have to use in your channel:
!dm on - To start a dm game.
!dm off - To stop a dm game.
!dm - To fight the user who did start the game.
!dmace - if you have bought this.
!guthans - If you have bought this.
!darkbow - If you have bought this.
!dh - If you have bought this.
!bandosgodsword/!bgs - If you have bought this.
!zamorakgodsword/!zgs - If you have bought this.
!saradomingodsword/!sgs -If you have bought this.
!armadylgodsword/!ags - If you have bought this.

!mystats - Check your stats in the DM game.
!theirstats - Tells yoou your oppents stats in the DM game
!hiscores Nick - Shows you the highscore from this person, (won/lost)
!dcoin commands - Shows you all D-Coins commands. (d-coins is the CASH in game)
!market - Shows you what you can buy and for how much from the D-Coin market.
!marketprices - Shows you how much the D-Coin market is buying your items.
!sell Item - To sell an item to the D-Coins market.
!buy Item - To buy an item from the D-Coins market.
!open - Open an cracker
!onlinedmnicks - Check who are currently playing the Death Match game!

(there is also a topic in this forum with all information you need for this game!)

!trivia - To start a game (need 5+ users)
Just say the right answer now in your channel, ! or @ is not needed before your answer. Just say it!
!stoptrivia - to stop this game.
!points - to view your points
!Points nick - To view the points from the nick
!pointstop10 - to view the top 10 players.
!rowrecord - to view the current rowrecord of the channel

!spell word - Will check if its correctly spelled.
!whoison #chan - Gives information about the channel.
!ucoint - Count how many users there are on your channel.
!smack Nick - LegendScript will smack this user.
!yourmama - Will tell you a "Yourmama" joke.
!8ball Question - Will give you an answer.
!kaboom Nick Reason - say KABOOM to a user with a reason.
!brb Reason - Will set you to BRB for a reason.
!back - Tells everyone that you are back.
!warn Nick - Warn a user.
!checkwarn - Check how many warnings you did get.
!calc Value +-/* Value
!lovemeter Nick Nick - Check how many they are in love!
!joke - Gives you a joke!
!clist - Tells you everything about the colors on IRC.
!google What to google - Search for it on Google.
!youtube What to search - Search for it on Youtube.
!urban word - Urban a word. (gives you information about it)
!user nick - Search for the user.

Bot staff commands
~login - Logs LegendScript in
~part Reason - Parts the channel IMMIDATLY with reason.
!updating update - Updates the new commands.
!HALTTIMERS - Halt all timers
!bots Online - Turns the bot online
!bots Offline - Quits LegendScript from IRC
~say to #chan/nick [/b]what you want to say[/b] - Says somthing to an user/channel
!notice Nick - Send a message to a user.
~access - Shows on what channels LegendScript is and how many channels
!stffinformation - Gives information about commands and more
!give nick support file - Give an user a support file!
!bl #chan - Black list a channel
!delbl #chan - Delete a blacklist
!viewblist #chan - View if the channel is blacklisted.
~amsg what you want to say - LegendScript will AMSG all channels.
!suggestlist DELETE - delete the suggest list.
!reportedbugs DELETE - Delete the bug report list.
~verban Host Nick Reson - Global bans the user in all channels LegendScript is in.
~legendscript join #chan - LegendScript will join the channel.
~[rs]LegendScript join #chan - LegendScript will join the channel.
~allbots join #chan - Let all bots join the channel.
~legendscript part #chan - Let legendscript part the channel.
~[rs]LegendScript part #chan - Let [Rs]Legendscript part the channel.
~Joinlastchans BOT
~type message or command

/msg legendscript !dmsendnewpassword Nick
/msg LegendScript !dmsystemupdate on
/msg LegendScript !dmsystemupdate off
/msg LegendScript !dmdisable Channel ON
/msg LegendScript !dmdisable Channel OFF


Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2008-03-16


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